inclusive education


The Elko County School District Special Services Department provides information and assistance in areas of special education, English learners, and school health services. We promote collaboration among educators, students, parents, and community partners to ensure successful educational outcomes for students with disabilities and those learning English as a second language.

Child Find

The purpose of Child Find is to provide free developmental assessments to identify if a child's development in the areas of speech, language, behavior, social skills, motor skills, and learning, are on track.

Child Find is the first step in identifying children who may benefit from early intervention services. Child Find also offers information about services that are available to children and their families.

Early Childhood Special Education

We are committed to the continued growth and development of children ages three through five years. We address all aspects of communication, cognition, social-emotional, and motor skill development in order to promote continuous growth in all children. The various components of this special education program provide individualized services to children who meet eligibility requirements.

Eligibility Requirements

  • The child must be three to five years old.

  • The child must be an Elko County resident.

  • The child’s parent/guardian must complete the assessment process.

  • The child must meet eligibility requirements established by the state of Nevada.

Eligibility Categories

The child must be developmentally delayed in one or more of the following areas as determined by a comprehensive assessment:

  • Cognitive abilities (socially or emotionally)

  • Receptive or expressive language

  • Self-help skills

  • Gross/Fine motor function

Or the child must be identified with one or more of the following impairments that has been established by the Nevada Administrative Code:

  • Autism

  • Hearing impairment

  • Visual impairment

  • Orthopedic impairment

  • Health impairment

  • Speech/Language impairment

Early Childhood Special Education Assessment

Once we receive a Child Find referral, our team of school district professionals collects the appropriate information through formal and informal assessment methods.

The assessment includes the following:

  • Screening for hearing and vision

  • Obtaining the child’s developmental history from the parents/guardians

  • A determination (made with staff and parents) of eligibility based on state guidelines

The team may also determine that a need exists for assessment in the areas of occupational and physical therapy.

Gifted & Talented

The gifted and talented child may not always earn good grades in school, but he/she may have a different way of looking at the world and learning.

The Elko County School District Gifted and Talented Program will empower academically talented third- through fifth-grade students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential to becoming lifelong learners.

School Psychologists

Our school psychologists are highly trained in psychology and in education. They help children and youth succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. They collaborate with educators, parents, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home and school for all students.

Special Services Resources

We’re happy to provide the resources you need. Please contact our office for more information.

6:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Phone: (775) 753-8646
Fax: (775) 777-1195