Timeliness is Expected (T.I.E.) Program
Tardiness to class is a serious problem. When the final bell sounds each period, teachers are required by law to take attendance. When a student arrives late, the instruction is interrupted. Tardiness affects teachers, classmates, and parents in the school-learning environment. Tardies at West Wendover High School is excessive which prompted a committee of teachers and administrators to develop a tardy policy to address this concern.
The West Wendover High School faculty and staff, as well as the Elko County School District, recognize the problem of student tardiness to class as a serious disruption of the educational atmosphere. The distractions caused by students arriving late to class are an infringement on the educational rights of other students. Certain elements of instructional activity and learning are irrevocably missed when students arrive late to class. At West Wendover High School we value every educational minute of instruction. The following is the new policy that was created after many hours of deliberation and discussion. Teachers are encouraged to have an activity at the beginning of each class whereby tardy students lose daily points.
We at West Wendover High School believe that all students deserve a quiet, uninterrupted environment for learning. When students are in class on time, they will have a more successful experience in school and develop a very important skill for life. All students will benefit from following school rules.
Our Timeliness is Expected (T.I.E.) Program went into effect on October 10, 2005. Please understand the intent of this program. Learning to be on time is a basic skill for success every person needs to possess. Not only is your child developing skills for success in school but for the rest of their lives. Being on time at school may require special attention on your part as a parent.
If your child is tardy to any class during the school year, they will receive a TARDY SLIP. As part of the TIE Tardy Program, a parent must accompany the student to school the following day and sign them in at the attendance office between 7:45 AM and 8:25 AM.
If you arrive late to class because you were with another teacher or an administrator, you are to present a pass to your teacher signed by the staff member explaining the reason for your lateness. Otherwise, you will be counted as tardy.
For complete Attendance Policy, please refer to the Student Handbook.