Student Life

While academics are certainly a priority at West Wendover High School, we know that it takes more than classroom participation for a student to succeed. Developing well-rounded individuals who are mentally, emotionally, and physically strong is just as important. That’s the purpose of our student services team.


Our nurse is available for general health and wellness tips for WWHS families as well as emergency care for staff and students in the case of an accident. Our school nurse is Maria Luna.


We do not tolerate bullying in any form (physical, verbal, or cyber). If you see or suspect bullying, please complete a Bullying Report form available from the counseling department, and/or discuss your concerns with a trusted adult. You can also report anonymously via SafeVoice Nevada.

Driver’s Education & Permit Requests

You can sign up for online Driver Ed courses with Great Basin College. Classes begin each fall and cost $75. Register online or call GBC Continuing Education at (775) 753-2231. 

Parking Permits

We do require students to purchase parking permits in order to park in the school parking lot. Vehicles without a visible permit will be removed. You can obtain a parking permit in the front office for $5.00.

Attendance Policy

Regular attendance is an important aspect of a successful education. At WWHS, we expect students to be in class every day, unless an unexpected illness or pre-arranged absence occurs. According to Nevada law, any student with more than six unexcused absences per class will not receive credit for that class. While we understand emergencies can never be planned, please schedule family trips and appointments around school hours. If that is not possible, students must make arrangements with their teachers two days prior to their scheduled absence.

Excused (with prior request and/or parent note) absences include:

  • Natural or Family Disasters

  • School-sponsored Activities

  • School-approved College Campus Visits

  • Verifiable Court Appearances

  • Verifiable Illness or Injury (with a doctor’s note)

  • Verifiable Medical Appointments