20 To Be ChallengeS
In each Character Strong session, we are challenged to implement different values. This process is called the To Be Challenge. Challenges are updated each year to keep them relevant. Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 will all have the same To Be Challenge corresponding to each respective session number, making it an opportunity to positively impact the culture and climate school-wide positively.
When everyone at school is collectively working together to improve their character—embarking upon a common challenge—it can not only promote personal growth but also have a positive impact on the culture and climate at school, equip schools to communicate more easily and highlight the To Be Challenge.
Below is the challenges connected to each session in the high school’s 20-session scope and sequence.
Session 5- Inviting: Introduce yourself to someone else and invite them to do something with you.
Examples include inviting someone to sit with you at your lunch table, a conversation, an online chat, a game, etc... Level it up by finding someone new to your school.
Session 6- Courteous: Find one day this week and make it a point to hold the door open for at least one other person whenever you open a door.
How many people who come through your door can you make smile?
Session 7- Present Together Challenge: your friends or family to focus on spending some time together without technology. The next time you are together, stack your phones in a tower.
Have a conversation, play a card or board game, and see how long you can leave your phones without “splitting the stack.”
Session 8- Accountable: Is there a person you owe an apology to? Identify who they are and make time to apologize.
Session 9- Intentional: Intentionally connect with one person you don’t often talk to at the beginning of a class.
You can say something as simple as, “How are you today?” or, “How was your weekend?” Please take it to the next level by seeing how many days you can do this.
Session 10- Doing: Think about a spot on campus that could use some help and write it down. Then, do something intentional to make it a little bit better.
Potential examples are a hallway, a restroom, a lunch table, etc. Remember, even small actions make a difference.
Session 11- Thoughtful: Encourage someone you know by leaving them a note about how their kindness impacts others.
Remember, the most thoughtful notes speak directly to someone’s unique qualities or experiences.
Session 12- Focused: Take intentional action one day this week to be more engaged in class.
This could mean being more attentive, sitting up, participating in discussions, or being more active in groups. Take it to the next level by seeing how many days in a row you can do it.
Session 13- Committed: Set aside 5-10 minutes each day until we meet next to practice a new skill you want to learn or improve.
Start a streak and see how many days in a row you can practice the skill.
Session 14-Learning: Ask an adult in your life to teach something new around the house. Then try out your new skill at least 1 time before we next meet.
Session 15-Kindly Competitive: Engage in a competition with a friend where you each write down an act of kindness that you challenge the other person to perform. Who can out-kind the other?
Session 16- Inclusive: Practice being inclusive this week by sitting with someone new at lunch whom you haven't sat with before. You go to them.
Session 17- Patient: Identify a pet peeve of yours. Find a way to practice patience with it before we next meet.
Session 18-Interested : Practice your active listening skills. In each conversation you have over the next few days, focus on acting interested and asking thoughtful questions.
Challenge yourself to come up with a question that causes the other person to respond with, “That’s a great question.”
Session 19- Initiating: Challenge yourself to initiate a conversation with a family member or someone you live with by asking, “How was your day?”
Then, demonstrate your attentiveness with at least 1 follow-up question related to their response.
Session 20- Thankful: Find a special way to thank a staff member who has made a positive impact on your life this school year.